10 newest and most interesting features on Android 10

11 years ago, the first Android device - HTC G1 / Dream was introduced, perfect timing to release version 10 of the Google operating system, which for the first time since 2008 gives up a sweet dessert code, and symbolically tries to show in many ways how it has grown and become the ugly and sometimes lame duckling he tried to emulate The iPhone for a competitor is not only worthy, but even superior in every sense of Apple's parallel operating system.

Google has already released the new operating system for its Pixel series devices a few weeks ago, but now it's the turn of other manufacturers to start releasing updates to their devices (Nokia devices usually start getting updates about a month after releasing a new Android version). And while brave experimenters are already signing up for beta versions, other users can get first glimpses into what the new version brings with it.

Navigate without looking

The most significant change to the new version of Android is the interface: the navigation bar - the three buttons that have been with us in such and other versions for about a decade (back, home and open apps), giving way to increasing the space for content on the smartphone screen. Instead, Google introduced a gesture-based interface based on swiping fingers from different edges of the screen in.

For example, moving across the home screen is done by dragging your finger from the bottom of the screen, where the home button used to be, upwards. Switching between apps is done by dragging your finger up and then moving to one side, a quick release returns to the front of the screen the previous app, while holding your finger on the screen shows all the latest apps and lets you scroll through, close ones you've finished with, or choose which app you want to go back to . Repetition is now performed by swiping the thumb on the sides of the screen, no matter which side, they both go back. And the Google Voice Assistant is turned on by dragging one of the bottom corners of the screen inward.

However, those who prefer to work with the navigation buttons, Android 10 allows you to display a two or three button navigation bar. That is, home and back or home, back and open apps.

 dark mode

Another significant change to the interface is the dark mode, which offers two benefits: First, using a smartphone at night or in a dark place is less dazzling to the eyes, so should avoid their over-exertion and long-term pain. But besides that, on devices with OLED screens (and all types of AMOLED included), a dark background, with a black preference, saves on battery since, in principle, dots on a screen in such technology that show nothing consume power.

At the moment, most Google apps, though not all of them, have already been adapted to support dark mode, but many other developers' apps do not yet include such support. For example, Facebook Messenger already has a dark state, but Wattsap and Instagram do not yet include such a situation.

It's important to note that the dark mode can be turned on regularly, or ask the device to switch to it every day at sunset and return to the bright mode at sunrise - much like the blue light filter already included in the previous version of Android and many manufacturers before, making the screen look red in the evening and night. .

An interesting, but not very relevant, detail for most of the world is that Android 10 supports the display of apps optimized for folding screens. In case you want to buy Samsung Galaxy Fold or theHuawei Mate X  for example. 

 Private is the most

It's hard to keep track of how many times Google has promised to make it easier for us to control our information about its services in general and Android in particular, but this time it seems to have gone too far to make sure we can't complain about privacy intrusions.

It starts with the privacy settings menu now centering many sections that were previously scattered in different places, ranging from account settings and the ability to turn off personalization for more general advertisements, through a new interface that allows you to decide how long, if any, user information from various Google services ( For the past two years, this could only be determined by logging in to your Google Account settings from your browser), and up to location access permission, which now, apart from allowing or blocking the app, access your location only when you use it, and not when working in the background .

In addition, the system will also remind you if their apps have granted you access to the location even when you are not actually using it, to give you a chance to change the permission.

But the most dramatic news is about the security updates, ones that you couldn't be sure you would ever get if you didn't buy a flag device that the manufacturer is known to bother updating for a year and a half or two. Starting with Android 10, security updates come from the Google Play app store, not from the manufacturer, so they reach all devices quickly and easily, just like updates to apps on the device.

Alerts are more important and less important, and the state of concentration

In recent years, the awareness that smartphones have been causing us endless distractions from everyday tasks has increased. To satisfy the demand to soothe this madness, Android 10 has some features designed to allow us more focus in life itself.

The first is to sort the device alerts into two categories: regular and silent alerts. Regular alerts are alerts from user-defined apps that are more important to them and will continue to work normally. At the same time, apps that are defined as less important, notifications will not sound, and will be bundled together in the notifications curtain as a less tempting way to test them every time the screen is turned on, while still giving them easy access.

Another feature, called "Focus mode", is designed to prevent the very temptation of using apps that tend to 'pump' the user into using them more. In this mode settings you can choose which apps are set to waste time like YouTube and Facebook for example, and then when you turn on the mode from the quick switch in the notification curtain, alerts from those apps will be blocked and their icons on the home screen will become inaccessible until you turn off the focus mode.

   Advanced Parental Controls

Parents among you will also have options for controlling the children's devices connected to the family account, such as limiting their screen time, controlling apps they may or may not be able to access and for some time, as well as viewing device location. That is, check where your child is at any moment. In addition, you can view statistics on the amount of time you spend on each app or site, or set daily or hourly restrictions for each app or site.

The devices will become smarter

One of the main highlights of Android 10, which is according the almost all other enhancements: privacy, speed, battery savings, and data communications have been artificial intelligence (AI) applications. In previous versions of the operating system, almost every artificial intelligence operation was performed by Google servers to which the devices sent the information. Now, anything that can be done on the device, such as voice commands processing and even speech typing, is done without sending recordings to Google servers. That way the information stays private, and the actions are done quickly and without the need for a network connection.

One of the actions made possible by the new approach to artificial intelligence is to improve the handling of communications from communications applications. For example, if the spouse sends an "I love you" message below the option to send him back a heartfelt statement or a matching statement, and if a friend sends an address of a place they want to meet with you, the device will single-click you to navigate to that address in the app The maps. All this without Google reading the notifications, and not just Google apps, but every app that its developers will add smart response support to.

More accessible

Who would benefit especially the improved artificial intelligence capabilities of Android are limits. The new version of the system makes life easier than ever. Thus, for example, is able to transcribe video or podcast live for the sake of the deaf or hard of hearing. Furthermore, it is also able to transcribe a conversation in the real world in real time, while presenting text on the screen, and even use their smartphone hearing aids, with the recording of the environment with built-in microphone, noise reduction and increasing talk of the closest and playing sound filtered through headphones.

Android 10 also supports communication with medical aids with wireless communication, to avoid having to use headphones other than those ones you wear out of medical necessity.

More cameras is the new standard

One of the minor but annoying problems of recent years has been the use of the various manufacturers of different types of cameras on their devices: some added depth sensors, others chose to incorporate high quality black and white sensors and more, and only every manufacturer's app knew how to use all cameras on its devices.

On Android 10, Google added built-in depth and black-and-white sensors, so third-party apps can also enjoy the quality of the latest sensors, and create 3D images using sensors. However, thanks to a new type of image that includes depth sensor information and allows you to edit these images in various ways after the photo with each application supports.

New emojis,short circuit loading, and WiFi password sharing

Other enhancements nice to know they have 65 new emoji, with an emphasis on eliminating discrimination in such hitherto stereotypical different between men and women. Prevention of short when the device detects moisture in the charging socket by preventing it from being used until it is completely dry.

Improve the speed of loading the content sharing screen. The ability to share the wireless network password at home or in the office with friends using a QR code that they can scan over the phone rather than reveal the password to them, as well as a new option for workplaces to prevent some suspicious keyboards from being active after using the work profile on the device.